Griddle & Give – Shrove Tuesday
Join us for our pancake meal on Tuesday, March 4th @4:30pm Hosted by the 20th Faith Scouts!
Join us for our pancake meal on Tuesday, March 4th @4:30pm Hosted by the 20th Faith Scouts!
We are hosting our Blue Christmas/Longest Night Service once again this year. This is a time to come together in recognition of the sadness, loneliness, grief, and sorrow that many people face over the holiday season. Please see our Blue Christmas Blog Post for more information.
Our upcoming annual Sewing Group Blanket Sale is SUNDAY NOVEMBER 17 and 24 & SATURDAY NOVEMBER 23. All proceeds from this sale will go to Canadian Lutheran World Relief. We want to thank our congregation and friends for their support of the ladies sewing group at Faith.With your support from the sale of our blankets, […]
This coming Sunday, August 29th, we will be holding our worship service at the Hilgendag home at 101 Oxbow Road. This is a rain or shine event. We will worship outdoors or in the barn according to the dictates of the weather. Please bring your own lawn chair. There will be Holy Communion at this […]
Lessons and Carols
Two services at 7 pm and 10 pm
Sunday, December 8 at Faith Lutheran ChurchDoors open at 6:30 PMConcert begins at 7:00 PMTickets: $20 at the doorFor more info about Katie’s music, go to:
Join us Sunday, October 27, 2019 to celebrate Lutherfest! Worship Service at 3 pm with dinner following the service at 5 pm. Service features guest preacher Eastern Synod Bishop Rev. Dr. Michael J Pryse and an anthem by the Bay Ministry Area massed choir and musicians. Dinner – a full roast beef dinner catered by […]
All are welcome to watch and wait with us through the time of Advent as we anticipate the coming of the Christ Child. Sunday December 2 First Sunday of Advent at 10 AM Tuesday December 4 Holden Evening Prayer at 7 PM Sunday December 9 Second Sunday of Advent at 10 AM Tuesday December 11 […]
Dear Members and Friends of Faith: I’m writing to remind you about the Reformation service and Lutherfest celebrations taking place this Sunday. Please note, especially, that worship begins at 3:00 PM and that there will not be a 10 AM service this Sunday. This is my first experience of Faith’s famous Lutherfest celebrations, so I […]
A concert by Queen Street Singers, Directed by Ann-Marie MacDairmid at Faith Lutheran Church, Sunday, October 21st, 2018 at 3 pm. Doors open at 2 pm Tickets – $15. Tunes on the songbook for the day include: Mack the Knife – Mack the Knife I Got Rhythm – Girl Crazy You’ll Never Walk Alone – […]
40th Anniversary Worship and Potluck Lunch – Sunday, May 6, 10:00 AM. On Sunday, May 7, 1978 Pastor Diegel was installed as the first pastor of the merged Lutheran congregations of St. Matthews and St. Peters in Brantford, to be henceforth known as Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church. For forty years Faith has served the Lutherans of this community and reached out to our neighbours both here at home and around the world with the love of Christ. This Sunday, May 6th we will mark the 40th Anniversary with worship and a potluck lunch following worship. Please plan to join us for this special occasion.
Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church presents a Katie Ditschun Concert on Friday, May 4, 2018 at 7:30 pm.
Tickets are $15. This is a Church Fundraiser.
Service at 7 am We’ll gather in the church narthex at 7:00 and walk over to Tom Thumb Park together. (Pray for nice weather. If it’s lousy weather, we’ll stay in the church.)
10 am A joyous festival of the greatest news of all – Christ is Risen Indeed!
8 am All are welcome for a light breakfast and fellowship. Sometime around 9:30 AM children (of all ages) will be given outdoor chalk to draw and colour symbols of the day on the sidewalk and front steps.
Service at 10 am A powerful service telling again the story of Jesus’ passion. Even still, we gather not so much to mourn Jesus’ death, as to celebrate Christ’s life-giving passion and find strength and hope in the tree of life.
Service at 7 pm On this night we gather with Jesus and his disciples at the table of the Last Supper and remember Jesus’ greatest commandment: “Love one another as I have loved you.”
On this day we remember the triumphant, yet humble entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem as the crowds waved palm branches and laid their cloaks before him. Weather permitting, our liturgy will feature the whole congregation processing around the outside of the church and then settling inside again for word and sacrament. (Please note that this […]
These are being made on Friday, March 23 at 10 am in the Lounge. All are welcome to participate. On Palm Sunday after church, anyone wishing to learn how to do this are invited to proceed down to Luther Hall and instructions will be given. There is a lovely tradition of turning palm leaves from […]