July 11 2021
Refugees in Myanmar are facing political violence, oppression and tyranny. Innocent people are fleeing from their homes and living as internal refugees in their own country. They need our compassion NOW. CLWR’s goal is to build 29 longhouses to shelter these refugees. The cost for one longhouse is $9810. More information available at: clwr.donorshops.com/product/A202104S/spring-appeal
Please join Trinity Lutheran Hamilton, Christ Latvian and Faith Brantford to raise enough money for one longhouse. You may donate through your offering envelope or by an E transfer to Faith’s Email faithlutheran1@bellnet.ca
The following is a breakdown of expenses for this project:
20 bags of cement | $140 |
68 wooden poles | $89 |
90 lbs of wire nails | $44 |
92 cubic ft. of sand | $25 |
63 sets of bolts and nuts | $16 |
32 hinges | $14 |
40 sq. ft. of mesh | $35 |
185 cubic ft. of stone aggregate | $97 |
930 sq. ft. of bamboo mat | $286 |
3500 bamboo poles | $523 |
160 corrugated metal sheets | $1266 |
336 cubic ft. of hardwood | $3552 |
Entire longhouse | $9810 |