Water Drum Workshop

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Saturday March 31, 2018 Cost $40.00 Includes Lunch 9:30- 2 PM St. Peters Church Hall 1631 Chiefswood Road (519) 445-4204 (519) 445-2661   Sponsored by Brightening the Spirit-Breaking the Silence Suicide Awareness Committee

Acknowledging the Territory

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Council has instructed that the following statement acknowledging the traditional lands on which our church stands is to be printed in the bulletin beginning at Easter: “We acknowledge that we gather for worship on the traditional territory of Neutral, Anishinaabe, and Haudenosaunee people.” Peter Mogk offers the following to help us understand why it is […]

Bulletin Announcements for March 18, 2018

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2017 ANNUAL REPORTS are available at both entrances to the church. The minutes of a congregational meeting held November 19, 2017 were inadvertently omitted from this report. Copies are now available on the back table. ANNUAL MEETING: The following motion was passed: “That, Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church will move to one service only, to be […]

Bulletin Announcements for February 25, 2018

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CONTRIBUTION STATEMENTS FOR 2017 are now in your mail slots. 2017 ANNUAL REPORTS are available at both entrances to the church. LENTEN OFFERING ENVELOPES are available if you wish to give a Lenten offering at any time. IN OUR PRAYERS: A binder has been placed on the lectern at the back of the church. If […]

The Grandmothers Tea schedule

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Mohawk Chapel

The next Tea is set for Mohawk Chapel, 301 Mohawk St., Brantford, ON March 28, 2018 at noon -2 pm Potluck luncheon, bring your favorite dish or dessert and share in the fun and laughter. Everyone Welcome Contact 519-756-0240 The grandmothers tea is an opportunity for Indigenous and non-indigenous women to meet and cultivate relationships; […]

Volunteers Needed

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Volunteers Needed

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED to fill vacancies on Parish Council and several other  committees.  An organizational chart is now posted on the bulletin board at the back of the church which outlines the many volunteer roles that allow Faith to operate so efficiently.  New positions will commence after the Annual Meeting on February 25th for 3-year terms.  […]

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