by admin

Many thanks to all who donated to this fund in order to pay for our roof repairs.  Thankfully, they are paid in full, in part due to Harold and Goetz generously adhering to their original estimate even though some extras were needed. You are most welcome to continue to occasionally donate to this fund with […]

CLAY presentation

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CLAY 2018

Dear Members and Friends of Faith: At Coffee Hour Sunday, September 30, 2018 after worship, those youth who attended CLAY (Canadian Lutheran Anglican Youth) in August will be making a presentation about their experience. CLAY is a national youth gathering for Lutheran and Anglican Youth that takes place every two years. This summer, it was […]

Father’s Day

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Dear Members and Friends of Faith: We are so blessed at Faith to have a core of Youth who are active in the life of the congregation. They not only regularly attend worship, but they are actively involved in worship and worship leadership. They are eager to participate, they ask good questions, and they offer […]

Event Reminder!

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Dear Members and Friends of Faith: This is a reminder about two big events happening at Faith this weekend. The first is the Katie Ditschun concert happening on Friday night at 7:30 PM. Tickets will be $15 at the door. Many of you will remember Katie singing here at Faith ever since she was a […]

Sewing Group has blankets blessed

by admin

Images from today’s (March 18, 2018) worship service where the blankets were blessed prior to them being sent to CLWR for Baling Days in April. Pastor Brian asked the congregation to wrap the blankets that were in the pews around themselves during the blessing to so that we could feel the same warmth that the […]

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