You are invited to join in the following activities that celebrate Treaties Recognition Week; the first full week in November.
Come to the Woodland Cultural Centre (184 Mohawk Street) on Sunday, 5 November, 2:00 – 4:00 PM. Two residential school survivors will share their experience and stories. There will be time for discussion and conversation. Light refreshments will be provided. Event poster.
Come to St. Mark’s Anglican Church (155 Memorial Drive) on Tuesday, 7 November, 7:00 – 9:00 PM. We will see Window to the Future. Here is an opportunity to explore together some essential background to the current reconciliation agenda that we all face.
Then come to Faith Lutheran on Friday, 17 November, 7:00 – 9:00 PM. Participate in the Blanket Exercise. This is a wonderful way to gain a meaningful firsthand experience of treaties lived out in Canada.
Treaties Recognition Week is an annual educational focus that is unique to the Province of Ont

Treaties Recognition Week recognition
ario. The above events are sponsored by the Reconciling Circle, which is a joint Anglican and Lutheran group from Brantford and Hamilton. We seek to respond to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s call to action (#54), which states:
We call upon church parties to the Settlement Agreement to develop ongoing education strategies to ensure that their respective congregations learn about their church’s role in colonization, the history and legacy of Residential Schools, and why apologies to former Residential School Students, their families, and communities were necessary.
We seek to use education and constructive dialogue to raise awareness amongst non- Indigenous people of the issues facing Canadians and Indigenous communities.
Please join us in this year’s event.
For more information, please review the Daily Readings available here.
On Sunday, 5 November 2017, the Reconciling Circle group received recognition from the Provincial Parliament via MPP Dave Levac. Peter has shared the certificate with our parish in recognition of the part Faith Lutheran has played in this work.