Being Church in These COVID Times

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Dear Members and Friends of Faith: I hope and pray that you are finding your way through this COVID-19 crisis.  I thank you for all the kind emails, phone calls, and expressions of concern you have shown me and other members of the congregation.  The Holy Week videos are now all together in one place.  […]

Preparing for Maundy Thursday and Good Friday

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I am writing this evening to help you to prepare for our Maundy Thursday and Good Friday worship services. Maundy Thursday will take place online tomorrow (Thursday) evening at 7:00 PM.  You will receive a link to the livestream in your email before the service begins.  We will be sharing Holy Communion together.  To some, […]

Preparing for Palm Sunday

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Dear Members and Friends of Faith: Normally, Palm Sunday is one of my favourite services of the year.  I love how we all actively participate together in the Procession of the Palms as well as the note of joy that is rung on Palm Sunday after so many weeks in the wilderness of Lent and […]

Holy Week in the Pandemic

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Dear Members and Friends of Faith: This is Holy Week.  This is the week during which we commemorate the last week of Jesus’ life.  Jesus spent the last week of his life in and around Jerusalem and the temple.  He entered into Jerusalem in triumph on Sunday, humble and riding on a donkey.  The same […]

Being Church While Social Distancing

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Are you going squirrelly yet with this social distancing?  It has certainly thrown me off my routine, and it’s taking some getting used to.  For me, chalk this up to another one of those things they didn’t teach us in seminary! I’ve been in touch with some of our folks, especially those less likely to […]

Responding to the spread of COVID-19

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As you are aware, concerns about the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) throughout the world is raising fears for many people and even causing church leaders to reconsider many of our practises, at least for the time being. The council of Faith Lutheran Church has talked about our practises in light of the spread of […]

Mid-Week Advent Services Wednesdays in December, 12:15 Noon

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One of the themes of the Advent season is waiting. Waiting patiently. Waiting quietly. Waiting hopefully. In this way, the church acts counterculturally. While the rest of society is getting caught up in the busy-ness and crazy-ness of the season, our tradition calls us to pause, slow down, and simply wait. And given the obligations […]

Gingerbread Houses Auction – December 22

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Each year in December, our youth gather for a day of gingerbread house making. Those ginger bread houses then go on the market for auction at a coffee hour following worship one Sunday. This year, the Ginger Bread House Auction will take place following worship on Sunday, December 22. Proceeds go to support our youth […]

The Giving Tree – December 15

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Each year, before Faith’s Christmas Tree is decorated for our Christmas celebrations, everyone is invited to create a “Giving Tree” by hanging envelopes with donations toward special causes on the bare tree. This year, church council has designated three special causes you may support – one local, one national, and one international. They are: Our […]

Holy Week and Easter

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A blessed Holy Week and Easter weekend to you all.

I’m writing to remind you of all the services and activities taking place this weekend.

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