Advent Hymns from Nigeria

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Hymns for Advent

On this first day of December, the Lutheran Church of Christ in Nigeria LCCN sings “Zo mu je Baitalami” – Come, let us go to Betlehem. A joint choir of LCCN’s Yola Diocese sings “Zo mu je Baitalami” in Hausa. Come and sing along! #lwfadvent During this Advent season, LWF member churches are sharing hymns […]

Advent Devotions – Day 1

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Advent Devotions - Day 1

A Greeting My soul yearns for you in the night, my spirit within me earnestly seeks you.(Isaiah 26:9)

Hymns for Advent

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Hymns for Advent

December 2, 2018, we mark the first Sunday of Advent with a hymn from the Chiesa Evangelica Luterana in Italia (Evangelical Lutheran Church in Italy). “Stille Nacht – Silent Night” in Italian, German and English has been performed by the Christian Protestant Church in Milan, a congregation of CELI. The Milan church has numerous spiritual, […]

Happy New Year!!

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No, I haven’t lost my mind or got my dates mixed up. This Sunday (Nov. 25) marks the final Sunday of the Christian calendar, and we do it with a bang! The last Sunday of the Christian calendar is the Feast of the Reign of Christ (formerly known as Christ the King Sunday). This is […]


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It is time to attend to some year-end items: Budget requirements for 2019 should be submitted ASAP to the Church Office Individual reports for the Annual Report Booklet should be submitted ASAP to the Church Office. N.B. The ANNUAL MEETING will be Sunday February 3, 2019.

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